In the Space Realm, all Buddhas’ Achievement and all Bodhisattvas’ Achievement have to go through the cultivation of Buddhas’ Dharma, the cultivation of Esoteric Dharma. What is Esoteric Dharma? The essence of Dharma, i.e. the quintessence of the teachings…
Tag: Great Perfection
Linchen Kharthu: the Guru who Taught Vajrayana Great Perfection
Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi expounded the secret lineage from the Dharma Realm to the saha world for the sacred Dharma transmission: Why do we celebrate Master Linchen Kharthu’s birthday? It is to show our gratitude, a guru master who deserves our deep respect and celebration. Master Linchen Kharthu is the Guru who taught Vajrayana… Continue reading Linchen Kharthu: the Guru who Taught Vajrayana Great Perfection
What Make a Person be Considered Truly Elite?
Elite persons must be healthy, full of wisdom, willing to perform virtuous deeds and willing to help the society and the country, and making the best effort they could.
Especially those who can help people be delivered from affliction and guide them to the path of light…
Control Your Fate: How to Attain Virtuous Fruits?
Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi explained fate as to Buddhism to the students: Buddhism emphasizes that understand your previous life so you can understand your current life, and then you can understand your future life, and where you are going to. Since there is a place where you are coming from, there must be a… Continue reading Control Your Fate: How to Attain Virtuous Fruits?