Guang Huan Mi Zong Tri-Halo Dharma02/01/2022
Practicing Guang Huan Mi Zong Dharma can help a person be protected by the Halo. Within the Halo, no matter how many, dozens, hundreds, thousands, millions, or billions of people can be protected...
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Numerous Cultivators vs. Rare Achievers08/22/2020
In Mahasandhi, the Great Perfection, any Dharma can lead one to Achievement. Throughout the history, there were many cultivators practicing the Great Perfection, but very few became achievers...
More Zen+Esoteric Cultivation
The Precepts and Achievement07/30/2020
For a Sangha disciple, how to keep precepts in your heart through this the precept convention? If you observe even one precept, you can have the chance to attain the Achievement; you can have the hope to attain the Achievement. A Sangha disciple cannot attain the Achievement if he does not understand the precepts...
More Zen+Esoteric Cultivation
The Path of Renouncing Secularity, Performing Vows, and Spreading the Dharma04/30/2020
Celebration is to commemorate, to honor Sakyamuni Buddha, and to reflect whether we have followed the honorable Buddha’s path and continued to walk on the path. On this path, we should recall that Sakyamuni Buddha is walking in front of us, a little bit far from here.
More Zen+Esoteric Cultivation
How is Affinity Related to Cultivation08/07/2018
We have built the connection of this affinity ages ago. This affinity is not that relation. Those who have come here are connected to the affinity; those who have not come have to wait to be connected. Anyone who were related in previous lives can meet again in this life...
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The Origin of Spreading Guang Huan Mi Zong with Compassion12/17/2008
Guang Huan Mi Zong's origin can be traced back to the ancient times, derived from Great Sun Tathagatha. Guang Huan Mi Zong Dharma is originated from Great Sun Tathagatha. Ziguang Shang Shi's heart of compassion can also be traced back to ancient times. Sakyamuni Buddha abandoned power and wealth out of his heart of compassion and entered the path of cultivation and Dharma preaching.
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