How is Affinity Related to Cultivation

Holy Master makes a speech to the young and senior students in the Dharma class

We have built the connection of this affinity ages ago. This affinity is not that relation. Those who have come here are connected to the affinity; those who have not come have to wait to be connected.
Anyone who were related in previous lives can meet again in this life…

Manjusri (Wenshu): the Chief Bodhisattva of Wisdom with Great Modesty

Manjusri is a Bodhisattva of wisdom. How does He assist Sakyamuni Buddha? He wields a sword in one hand to cut down evil demon and cut off ego. Evil thoughts or ideas are called demon by the Buddha. Manjusri Bodhisattva holds a scripture of sutra in another hand. What is the function of a sutra? To assist Sakyamuni Buddha to spread Buddhism and develop the cause. This is noble.