Precious Teaching

The Value of Life, the Value of Creation05/14/2023
How to manifest the value of lives? This is relevant to human beings' lives. Holy Mountain Buddha Land is the life within lives. Without those who work with their hands, legs, and brains, there is no Holy Mountain Buddha Land.
More Buddhism & Life
Why is There Suffering in Life?11/18/2022
Many people understand that being born as a human being is very hard, so once it's realized, what are the benefits of being humans? Ability to change. They can change a cause; they can change a consequence; they can change poverty; they can change suffering; they can change afflictions; they can change misery.
More Karma / Merit
Dipankara Buddha: Buddha's Teacher who Lightens Sentient Beings09/17/2022
After our Dipankara Buddha was born, the entire world was lightened up, shining upon the beings in darkness. Thus, He was venerated as "Dipankara Buddha." This Buddha had the stability and would not be interfered by evils, demons, ghosts, or beings from other paths. His light illuminates every being's heart. "Heart" is very important.
More Buddhas / Saints
Master Padmasambhava: the heart child of Sakyamuni Buddha07/17/2022
The Tibetan king invited Master Padmasambhava to Tibet; Master Padmasambhava spent his whole life there spreading the Dharma of Mahavairocana Buddha, his Nine Vehicle Great Perfection Dharma. Because of Master Padmasambhava's power, it became a sacrad Buddhist place, and the school is called Tibetan Buddhism.
More Buddhas / Saints
People's Health is the Foundation of a Powerful Country07/01/2022
To become healthy, people need cultivation, i.e. to practice Guang Huan Mi Zong Dharma. Because Guang Huan Mi Zong can help them, can benefit them. This is our vision. We seek common ground on major issues, accept minor differences, and communicate with other sects first. Achieve unification, but not by force. No sect or religion could unite the whole world by force...
More Science / Philosophy / Religion
How to Go towards the Illuminated Path of Nirvana05/12/2022
Why is Sakyamuni Buddha's Dharma still existing in the world? Because it is the Truth, which shows the entire human race the illuminated path of Nirvana. Path of Nirvana is the road on which one can travel freely; people can protect themselves and attain wellbeing on this road. Unhealthy people all understand the importance of health.
More Buddhism & Life
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