Compassion means love; He loves sentient beings, having unlimited, immense love for them. When one makes a request, He always responds to it, even though being always responsive is not His Vow... In many lifetimes, time and time again, He always becomes an icon of the saha world, the beloved one of sentient beings.
Practicing Guang Huan Mi Zong Dharma can help a person be protected by the Halo. Within the Halo, no matter how many, dozens, hundreds, thousands, millions, or billions of people can be protected...
A new day begins; a new year begins. This year is special, with two 1s and three 2s, which make "one, two, one, two." This is symbolic; they are like a big bridge and a log bridge...
When Medicine Buddha is becoming a Buddha, first it requires a foundation. What is the foundation? Since millions of kalpas, His has a heart already - a heart of compassion. A person with a heart of compassion can perform deed of compassion...
Dizang Bodhisattva made a great vow before Sakyamuni Buddha entered nirvana: "Only after all beings are delivered shall I attain Bodhi; as long as all hells are not yet empty, I shall not achieve Buddhahood." His great vow has shaken the entire saha world.
Ksitigabha Bodhisattva's great vow did not come without a reason. He has been well known for delivering sentient beings in countless lives.
when living in the world, people will have this or that wrong, and make this or that mistake. It is called "sin" in Buddhism. The weight of sin determines how long they have to stay in Hells and how much suffer they have to endure....