Precious Teaching

The Best Cleanser for Your Inner Heart05/27/2019
How to remove your afflictions and transform into one from the purified Pure Land? When we say Pure Land, it means a pure heart. There would be no pure land with an impure heart. Dharma requires purity, which refers purifying the heart.
More Buddhism & Life
Linchen Kharthu: the Guru who Taught Vajrayana Great Perfection04/20/2019
Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi expounded the secret lineage from the Dharma Realm to the saha world for the sacred Dharma transmission: Why do we celebrate Master Linchen Kharthu’s birthday? It is to show our gratitude, a guru master who deserves our deep respect and celebration. Master Linchen Kharthu is the Guru who taught Vajrayana… Continue reading Linchen Kharthu: the Guru who Taught Vajrayana Great Perfection
More Buddhas / Saints
The Birth of Holy Mountain Buddha Land; the Promotion of Health Culture10/18/2018
The birth of Holy Mountain Buddha Land has brought hope to the sentient beings in the Dharma Vanishing Era. When could a Buddha Land be founded? Sakyamuni Buddha had arranged it long time ago. He represented Mahavairocana Buddha to expound the teachings from the Fourth Dimension and the teachings from the saha world...
More Temple / Buddha Land
How is Affinity Related to Cultivation08/07/2018
We have built the connection of this affinity ages ago. This affinity is not that relation. Those who have come here are connected to the affinity; those who have not come have to wait to be connected. Anyone who were related in previous lives can meet again in this life...
More Zen+Esoteric Cultivation
The Buddha's Vows and Teachings01/05/2017
Until today, Sakyamuni Buddha’s teachings are still the guiding light for all beings. The teachings are beneficial to people, helping them cultivate deeds towards enlightenment and eliminate deeds of ignorance. These are the fundamentals of the Buddha’s teachings.
More Buddhism & Life
Buddhism within Buddhism: Beyond Science, Beyond Philosophy, Beyond Medicine12/30/2016
Buddhism is a study to make a nation prosper, to make a society peaceful, and to empower the world. Guang Huan Mi Zong Buddhism is a treasure for individuals, for families, for countries, and for everyone. It is the secret gem to create peace at any unit, from a family to a country.
More Science / Philosophy / Religion
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