#Ziguang Shang Shi
Letters to the Presidents
2017-01-12 Opinion

A Great Breakthrough in Neuroscience

April 6, 2013

Dear President Obama,

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to cause of holistic health for humanity. We would like to introduce a method that can facilitate and even provide breakthroughs in the development and research of the Brain Initiative introduced by you, Mr. President, so that millions of lives can be benefited, and enormous amount of money can be saved.

In order to bring peace and health to the world, our founder Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi has created the methodology named Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma. Despite its religious background, the Holy Master has combined both ancient and modern science and distilled the essence of theories and philosophies to incorporate them in the meditative practice that has changed thousands of people's lives.

During Holy Master's over 30 years' experience of teaching the practice in the East and the West, Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma has been proved to be an easy-to-learn way to provide exceptionally powerful healing effects to its practitioners in a short period of time. A lot of people have testified in person that this practice can not only relieve their physical diseases such as diabetes, asthma, insomnia, arthritis and obesity, but also effectively ease mental disorders, including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, bipolar, anxiety, depression and so on.

There are two extraordinary real cases that we would like to share. In a three-day Health Dharma class hold by Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi in San Francisco, an 89-year-old man, who had some speech impairments due to some brain damage following a surgery, came with his daughter. He learned the meditation practice and started talking a bit more coherently and was able to read a Chinese letter, his daughter wrote in her thank-you letter: "we thought he couldn't do that anymore for the past 3 years."

A young college student suffered a traumatic brain injury after being stuck by a snowplow resulting in chronic headaches and memory loss, forcing to withdraw from her master's degree study. Through the practiced of the Health Dharma, she was able to recover and even greatly improve her memory and learning ability. After she resumed her study, she completed a two-year's urban planning course and attained her master's degree in Cleveland University within less than one year.

Nowadays, brain studies have become critical to every country. By adopting Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma, which can serve as a shortcut to the research and studies of brain, a government can save vast amount of investment injected to find the way to prevent and cure mental diseases and make new breakthroughs in this field. We look forward to that Mr. President can take this into consideration and act correspondingly.


World Peace and Health Organization

Alternative Method for Healthcare System

July 7, 2012

Dear President Obama,

I am writing you today to inform you of an opportunity to help our country.

One of the gravest problems confronting the United States of America is in the field of healthcare. The greatest and most widespread diseases fall under the category called "chronic diseases." These include obesity, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis and so on. The expense from treatments and lost productivity, along with the human suffering of these diseases is immense. The rapidly increasing cost of health care is directly linked to the increase in the prevalence of these diseases. With an aging population, and increasingly unhealthy lifestyles the negative effects of these diseases on our nation will only increase in the future.

The American medical establishment is working hard to find methods to overcome these chronic diseases, but they have not yet found a real breakthrough. For people with various medical conditions the only option is to take medication every day, or several times a day to suppress their symptoms. This approach is both costly because of the large quantities of pills required, and also dangerous because of the side effects of taking so much medication.

Without a new approach the country will have no way to escape crippling medical expenses and tremendous personal suffering.

There is a possible solution for this difficult situation. One person, my teacher, Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi, through his education in Buddhism has come into possession of a healthcare method that is referred to as "Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma." This method of healthcare involves techniques of meditation and yoga that are able to relieve the symptoms and sufferings of patients of chronic diseases without any medication or surgeries. Through diligent practice symptoms can be greatly relieved and health can be restored. I have witnessed the effects myself, and I can personally attest that its effectiveness is beyond any form of medicine, alternative or conventional that exists today.

In his thirty years of teaching experience in the East, Master Ziguang Shang Shi has discovered that using Guang Huan Mi Zong, it is possible to improve, or cure many different conditions quickly and efficiently. Now that he has come to the United States, the Master would like to share his experience and knowledge with the United States Government and Medical Institutions so that he can make his own contribution to the people of this nation.

Although it has an origin in Buddhism, Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma, is non-religious, and is based only on common human traits and desires that are appropriate for anyone.

Considering the great crisis arising in the healthcare system of the United States, I would like to encourage you Mr. President to arrange an investigation of this alternative method, a method that has so much potential to meet the needs and solve the problems of our great country.


Joshua Rosenstein

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